We always strive to improve customer purchasing conveniency, therefore we introduce you the "Buyee Connect", a
platform that connect overseas customers to access our services.
When accessing from overseas, the page will display an order cart that is specifically for overseas users. If
you connect to "Buyee" using this cart, you will be able to access to multilingual customer support,
international payment methods, international shipping to 4 countries and regions, and low-cost shipping plans.
Please check the details below.
[Payment methods]
Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, JCB, Alipay, UnionPay
[Customer services (email / chat)]
Japanese / English / Chinese (Traditional / Simplified) / Indonesian / Thai / Korean / Spanish / German /
Addition to the product price and domestic shipping fee, a proxy fee of 300 yen (per order) to Buyee and
international shipping fees (Buyee offers multiple options) are required.
[International shipping]
Singapore, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong
海外のお客様からの購入希望にお応えするため、当サイトでは「Buyee Connect(https://service.beenos.com/buyeeconnect/)」を導入いたしました。
海外からのアクセス時に海外注文用カートが表示され、該当カートを用いて代理購入サービス「Buyee」に接続頂くと 多言語カスタマーサポート・海外向け決済手段、4カ国の国と地域への配送、一部のエリアでは格安の配送プラン等をご利用いただけます。
当サイトで発生する商品代金及び国内配送料金に加え、Buyeeへの代理購入手数料300円(1注文あたり)、 国際配送料金(Buyeeにて複数選択肢を用意)が必要です。
We always strive to improve customer purchasing conveniency, therefore we introduce you the "Buyee Connect", a platform that connect overseas customers to access our services. When accessing from overseas, the page will display an order cart that is specifically for overseas users. If you connect to "Buyee" using this cart, you will be able to access to multilingual customer support, international payment methods, international shipping to 4 countries and regions, and low-cost shipping plans. Please check the details below.
[Payment methods]
Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, JCB, Alipay, UnionPay
[Customer services (email / chat)]
Japanese / English / Chinese (Traditional / Simplified) / Indonesian / Thai / Korean / Spanish / German / Russian
Addition to the product price and domestic shipping fee, a proxy fee of 300 yen (per order) to Buyee and international shipping fees (Buyee offers multiple options) are required.
[International shipping]
Singapore, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong
為了提高海外客戶的購買便利,本站推出了"Buyee Connect",並開通了海外的專屬購物車。 從海外訪問時,頁面將顯示海外訂單的購物車。 當您使用該購物車連接代理購買服務"Buyee"時, 平台將提供多語語言的客服支持,海外支付方式,國際運送4個國家和地區,部分地區還享有低價配送服務。
除了產品價格和國內運費外,還需要向 Buyee 支付 300 日元(每訂單)的代理費和國際運費(Buyee 提供多種選擇)。
为了提高海外客户的购买便利,本站推出了"Buyee Connect",并开通了海外的专属购物车。 从海外访问时,页面将显示海外订单的购物车。当您使用该购物车连接代理购买服务"Buyee"时, 平台将提供多语语言的客服支持,海外支付方式,国际运送4个国家和地区,部分地区还享有低价配送服务。 详细信息如下 --------
除了产品价格和国内运费外,还需要向 Buyee 支付 300 日元(每订单)的代理费和国际运费(Buyee 提供多种选择)。